Sleeping Pill Abuse I Broke Up With Someone, Now He Is Bragging About His Alcohol And Pill Abuse?

I broke up with someone, now he is bragging about his alcohol and pill abuse? - sleeping pill abuse

He did not resolve a serious relationship. I learned that too has his job and lost texts me drunk almost every night. Last Nite He said he drank a lot of vodka, took sleeping pills. Is this dangerous?

It is almost proud that they get out of bed all day. I do not want to kill you, what should I do?



Kelsey said...

The serisouly need help and we need help. Contact with parents or a relative who can help you if you make it yourself. Taking drugs like alcohol is dangerous, which is one reason why they need help. That sounds like it is in principle not to go anywhere in life and must be stopped before it becomes serious, then they already are. No work, pill abuse, alcohol and problems are clearly not good. First, try talking to himself, but with someone like him is often difficult to obtain, by the head than what they are doing is wrong and / or interruption. Most people want to help, but do not know how to find them.

J. Scott said...

Not only is the show immature behavior, but also dangerous. Drinking every night will never be a good thing, especially if it solve anything anybody anything. Several ridges depressants such as alcohol and sleeping pills is a terrible thing to do for your body, and the risk is largely dependent. If not already with these substances can be addicted to this kind of behavior dependent. I think there should be a treatment against drug addiction and possibly dual diagnosis treatment, to assess not only the addictive substances are making, but also the possibility of an underlying mental health problems such as depression.

I hope this has been for the help. Consult for further information on the treatment please see the following sources.

J. Scott said...

Not only is the show immature behavior, but also dangerous. Drinking every night will never be a good thing, especially if it solve anything anybody anything. Several ridges depressants such as alcohol and sleeping pills is a terrible thing to do for your body, and the risk is largely dependent. If not already with these substances can be addicted to this kind of behavior dependent. I think there should be a treatment against drug addiction and possibly dual diagnosis treatment, to assess not only the addictive substances are making, but also the possibility of an underlying mental health problems such as depression.

I hope this has been for the help. Consult for further information on the treatment please see the following sources.

N.L said...

They sound a bit immature ex-boyfriend ... This is not the kind of person who needs it anyway, and yes it is dangerous to do what HES get help before you do anything wrong to hurt themselves or other people

Dat.Mama... said...

Yes, it's dangerous, but he wants the attention of the Uruguay Round. Just ignore his behavior the next time you're drunk call u to tell when he's sober. to see if it works

sophia g said...

HES was only trying to reduce the debt from him to

puppysyn... said...

I agree with Sophie and Crys, you probably have a thumbs down. Someone is obviously in denial and do not want to hear the truth!
You were wise to break with him. The conclusion is that it is now your ex and what he does is of interest to you.
Yes, it is very dangerous (and stupid) drinking too much vodka and then sleeping pills
If you decide to kill himself, has nothing to do with you and would certainly not his fault. There is nothing you can do. This is your life and your decisions and you decide to lose his life .... or with his own life is their choice.
Do not deal with it emotionally. If the texts, the answer is not drunk. When you're young, you can tell your parents what you are doing what they know and then all you need to do.
It has obvious problems and is the only one to recognize their problems and get to help them.
Be thankful that you are not married to him and have two children, while they behave in this way!

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